Win Cryonics with an NFT

Posted by:
Jerry Celegans
July 1, 2022

What is Cryonics?

Cryonics is the science of freezing and storing human bodies or body parts in the hope that they can be revived and cured of disease in the future. The idea is that if someone is cryogenically preserved, they could be brought back to life in a future where medical technology is advanced enough to cure whatever killed them.

Cryonics is currently not a mainstream science, and there is no guarantee that it will ever be possible to revive a cryogenically frozen body. However, some people believe that it is worth the risk, and are willing to pay to have their bodies frozen in the hope that they may one day be revived. Notably, scientists were able to revive a frozen tardigrade after more than thirty years. In addition, cryo-preservation is used routinely to preserve human embryos, sperms and eggs to allow parents to have children later in life.

The next research frontier for cryonics is whole-body preservation, and there are a number of companies working on this. One such company is Tomorrow Biostasis, who are developing a process called vitrification, which they hope will one day be used to preserve whole human bodies. There are many open problems to solve such as controlling ice crystal formation, which can damage cells, but the company is making progress.

What is an NFT?

An NFT is a non-fungible token, which means it is a digital asset that is unique and cannot be replaced by another asset of the same type. NFTs are usually stored on a blockchain, and they can represent anything from digital art to in-game items. Recently, there has been a lot of interest in using NFTs to represent ownership of physical assets, such as real estate or cars.

The top NFTs are worth millions of dollars, and there is a growing market for them. Some people believe that NFTs will revolutionize the way we own things, and that they could one day be used to represent ownership of all kinds of assets.

NFTs can have perks

One perk of owning an NFT is that you may be able to get discounts on products or services related to the asset that the NFT represents. For example, if you own an NFT that represents a piece of digital art, you may be able to get a discount on the artist's other work. Or if you own an NFT that represents a piece of land, you may be able to trade that NFT instead of paying real estate agents' fees.

LongevityDAO is helping Tomorrow Biostasis launch Cryonauts, an NFT collection where one randomly chosen owner gets a free cryo-preservation. LongevityDAO is an organization that is working to extend the human lifespan. One of the ways they are doing this is by supporting scientific research into cryonics and other life extension technologies using crypto means.

As part of their work, LongevityDAO is helping Tomorrow Biostasis launch Cryonauts, an NFT collection where one randomly chosen owner gets a free cryo-preservation. The idea is that by owning an NFT, you could be helping to fund research that could one day lead to the revival of cryogenically frozen bodies, including your own if you choose to be cryo-preserved.

NFTs have rarities

The Cryonauts collection includes a number of different NFTs, each with its own rarity. The rarest and most valuable NFT is the Legendary Cryonaut, which gives the owner a free cryo-preservation. This means that the owner of the Legendary Cryonaut NFT will be able to have their body preserved for free.

Get a Discounted Cryonaut NFT by Taking a Survey

If you're interested in becoming a Cryonaut, you can take a survey to  qualify for a discounted NFT. And if you're lucky, you may even be chosen to receive a free cryo-preservation.